Vector Optimized Library of Kernels  3.0.0
Architecture-tuned implementations of math kernels


Takes each the input complex vector value to the specified power and stores the results in the return vector. The output is scaled and converted to 16-bit shorts.

Dispatcher Prototype

void volk_32fc_s32f_power_32fc(lv_32fc_t* cVector, const lv_32fc_t* aVector, const
float power, unsigned int num_points)
float complex lv_32fc_t
Definition: volk_complex.h:74


  • aVector: The complex input vector.
  • power: The power value to be applied to each data point.
  • num_points: The number of samples.


  • cVector: The output value as 16-bit shorts.


int N = 10000;
VOLK_API void volk_free(void *aptr)
Free's memory allocated by volk_malloc.
Definition: volk_malloc.c:80